Thematic Network on Safety and Reliability of Industrial Products, Systems and Structures
 domingo, 28 de abril de 2024 

  WP 8 - Standardisation and Codes      
  WP Leader: PAFA

Recent years have seen a shift away from the application of safety factors to individual components towards a more reliability based safety factors approach covering systems. The extent of this trend along with the criteria adopted for deriving and specifying the appropriate safety levels and thus factors varies between codes and industrial sectors. These differences are often driven by differences in legislative requirements and the representatives on each standards committee. Therefore, the objective of this Work Package is to review the relevant current codes for the industrial sectors specified and to consider how the safety factor formats, safety levels and factors contained therein were determined and applied. Based on the deliverables from other Work Packages, in association with direct contacts with code development organisations, recommendations for the standardisation of safety factor format modelling and specification will be made.

Task 8.1 – Ongoing and Future Developments on Codes and Standards
Task leader: NTNU

For the industrial sectors specified, implementation of criteria related to risk and reliability in the relevant Codes and Standards will be summarised. The Codes and Standards will be put into different categories depending on the range of applicability (e.g. general documents concerned with risk evaluation and specialised documents covering a specific type of structure, industrial plant or infrastructure, etc). Both national and international documents (CEN/ISO) will be addressed, with the focus on European Standards and Codes. Common features as well inconsistencies will be highlighted, with differences between the various documents (e.g. ISO vs CEN or API vs other national codes) focused upon. The historical reasons for such differences will be identified as far as possible and significant codes currently under development identified.

Task 8.2 – Safety Factor Formats
Task leader: RCP

The objective of this Task is to undertake an in-depth study of the safety factor formats written in the main codes and applied in each industrial sector. This Task will include consideration of the safety levels required in design, operation, maintenance, inspection and repair, and the specified safety factors that are employed to achieve the required safety level. Where background reports are available, consideration will be given to the techniques and criteria applied to the derivation of appropriate safety factors.

Task 8.3 – Liaison with standardisation organisations
Task leader: TUDelft

It is a primary objective of this project to disseminate the work performed and recommendations made to the specified industrial sectors. In particular, it is important that the codes and standards organisations are aware of this project and its objectives, and that there is a two-way flow of information between these organisations and the project team both during the project and at its conclusion. The participants in this Task will be responsible for establishing formal links with standards organisations and encouraging the flow of information both out to industry and also to direct industry feedback to the appropriate Work Package and Task Leaders.
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