Thematic Network on Safety and Reliability of Industrial Products, Systems and Structures
 domingo, 28 de abril de 2024 

  WP 10 - Strategy in the Various Industrial Sectors      
  WP Leader: WSA

The objectives of this Workpackage are:
 • To produce Position Papers for each industrial sector setting out the current position with regard to the use of risk and reliability methods in design and operation and identifying industrial needs
 • Establish and maintain contacts with relevant industrial forums and solicit their feedback on the work being carried out within SAFERELNET
 • Customise the Framework Documents produced by the WPs 2-7 for application in specific industrial sectors
 • Carry out Benchmark Studies and Case Studies to illustrate the applications and verify the robustness of the guidance produced
 • Identify priorities for further research
 • Identify opportunities for transfer of technology between countries and between industrial sectors
 • Organise Industrial Workshops

Description of work/tasks
The work in each task would follow similar lines and comprises:
 • Preparation of a Position Paper for each industrial sector setting out the current applications of risk and reliability based approaches and identifying the key issues faced by each industry. Priorities for further research and scope for transfer of technology between the sectors would be identified. The Position Papers provide the basis for the work to be carried out under WPs 2-7.
 • Once Framework Documents are developed in WPs 2-7 for the application of risk and reliability approaches these will be examined by the respective industrial groups to ascertain their adequacy and feasibility for application. Customisation of the guidelines would be carried out for the respective industries.
 • Application Framework Documents would be developed for each industrial sector for the application of risk and reliability based approaches for design, operation, maintenance and optimal and sustainable utilisation of the industrial infrastructure.
 • Benchmarks and Case Studies will be conducted to compare practises among different countries within an industry, and to compare how risk methodologies are applied across industries. These studies provide the basis for dissemination in the Workshops that will be organised in the Newly Associated States.

Task 10.1 Strategy in the Oil and Gas Sector
Task leader: DNV

Task 10.2 Strategy in Maritime Transportation
Task leader: IST

Task 10.3 Surface Transport Sector (Road and Rail)
Task leader: Autostrade

Task 10.4 Strategy in the Building Sector
Task leader: TUDelft

Task 10.5 Strategy in the Process Industry
Task leader: COWI

Task 10.6 Strategy for the Power Sector (nuclear, conventional and renewable)
Task leader: RISOE

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