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5-Year Plan

WP1 Methods and Tools for Loads and Load Effects - WPL: DTU (JJJ) & UNEW (AI)
Task 1.1 Design environmental conditions - TL: DTU (JJJ)
Sub-task 1.1.1 Development of realistic operational profiles and loading environments for merchant vessels
Sub-task 1.1.2 Estimation of sea state parameters from ship response measurements
Sub-task 1.1.3 Long-term distribution of sea state
Task 1.2 Wave induced loads (Non-linear, Hydroelastic) - TL: UNEW (AI)
Sub-task 1.2.1 Correlations between applied numerical prediction techniques and model test results for a simplified tanker model (without forward speed)
Sub-task 1.2.2 Dynamic Stability of Ships
Task 1.3 Hydrodynamic Impact Loads (Slamming, Green water, Sloshing) – TL: UoS (PT)
Sub-task 1.3.1 Comparison of theoretical slamming models with model test results
Sub-task 1.3.2 Prediction of green water loads
Sub-task 1.3.3 Prediction of sloshing pressures/loads
Task 1.4 Accidental loads (grounding, collision, fire, explosion) – TL: UGS (SA)
Sub-task 1.4.2 Bottom raking damage
Task 1.5 Design Loads (probability models, fatigue, load combination) – TL: NTNU (TM)
Sub-task 1.5.6 Wave Loading in Extreme Conditions including in damaged vessels
WP2 Methods and Tools for Strength Assessment – WPL: IST (JMG) & HUT (PV)
Task 2.1 Stress analysis in complex structures – TL: IST (YG)
Task 2.2 Vibration analysis and comfort – TL: PMA (LJ)
Task 2.3 Ultimate collapse strength – TL: IST (CGS)
Subtask 2.3.2 Collapse of stiffened panels
Subtask 2.3.3 Collapse strength of box girders
Subtask 2.3.4 Simplified design formulae for ultimate strength of stiffened platess
Task 2.4 Fatigue and Fracture Strength – TL: NTNU (SB)
Subtask 2.4.1 Fatigue Analysis
Task 2.5 Crashworthiness and impact strength – TL: DTU (PTP)
Task 2.6 Structural strength under fire and explosion – TL: CET (ABO)
Task 2.7 In-service monitoring of structural strength – TL: SIR (PhC)
WP3 Experimental Analysis of Structures - WPL: TNO (SG) & TUHH (WF)
Task 3.1 Experimental Equipment and Techniques – TL: TNO (SG)
Task 3.2 Slamming, Shock and vibration testing – TL: PMA (AGR)
Sub-task 3.2.1 Slamming tests
Sub-task 3.2.2 Shock and vibration testing
Task 3.3 Ultimate strength Test – TL: IST (JMG)
Sub-task 3.3.1 Tests on stiffened panels under compression
Sub-task 3.3.2 Tests on box girders subjected mainly to bending moments
Sub-task 3.3.3 Tests on composite to steel joints
Task 3.4 Fatigue and fracture tests - TL: TUHH (WF)
Task 3.5 Collision and impact  tests - TL: TNO (AV)
Sub-task 3.5.1 Share full and large scale collision tests
Sub-task 3.5.2 Impact tests
Task 3.6 Corrosion tests - TL: CTO (PD)
Subtask 3.6.1 Coating life testing
Subtask 3.6.2 Coatings Database
Task 3.7 Tests of structures under fire - Task Leader: CTO (MS)
WP4 Materials and Fabrication of Structures - WPL: TUS (TJ) & DNV (BH)
Task 4.1 Design and fabrication of metallic structures – TL: TUS (TJ)
Subtask 4.1.1 Steel and other metallic materials in maritime technology
Subtask 4.1.2 Welding processes of marine metallic materials
Subtask 4.1.3 Modern production processes in shipbuilding
Task 4.2 Fabrication Imperfections of Metallic Structures – TL: NTUA (VP)
Subtask 4.2.1 Comparison of shrinkage and distortion management tools
Subtask 4.2.2 Benchmarking of calculation methods for innovative steel structures
Task 4.3 Design and fabrication of structures using composite materials – Task Leader: UoS (RAS)
Subtask 4.3.1 Development and modelling of innovative components and assemblies for ship structures
Subtask 4.3.2 Understanding production processes and the influence of production defects, geometric imperfections and residual stresses on strength of composite structures
Subtask 4.3.3 Advanced analysis and optimisation of composite structures
Subtask 4.3.4 Longitudinal strength of composite ship hulls
Subtask 4.3.5 Optimisation of structural components
Subtask 4.3.6 Reliability modelling of composite structures
Subtask 4.3.7 Joints in composite structures
Subtask 4.3.8 Damage tolerance of curved composite beams and panels
Task 4.4 Adhesive bonding  – TL: DNV (JW)
Subtask 4.4.1 Experience of the application of adhesive bonding
Subtask 4.4.2 Guidance for design and fabrication of adhesive joints in ship structures
Subtask 4.4.3 Long-term performance of adhesive joints in ship environment
Task 4.5 Corrosion protection systems – TL: CTH (AU)
Subtask 4.5.1 Coating and electrochemical anticorrosion protection systems
WP5 Methods and Tools for Structural Design and Optimisation – WPL: PMA (JYP) & CET (RIA)
Task 5.1 Methods of design for production and maintenance - TL: ANAST (PR)
Sub-task 5.1.2 Improvement of production processes
Sub-task 5.1.3 Design for production
Sub-task 5.1.4 Design for maintenance
Sub-task 5.1.5 Benchmarking
Task 5.2 Tools for preliminary structural design - TL: PMA (JYP), SIR (JJM)
Sub-task 5.2.6 Benchmarking
Task 5.3 Data exchange and sharing in structural design – Task Leader: IST (MV)
Task 5.4 Structural optimisation tools – TL: CET (RIA)
Sub-task 5.4.2 Innovative optimisation techniques
Sub-task 5.4.5 Benchmarking and guidelines
WP6 Structural Reliability, Safety and Environmental Protection – WPL: UGS (PKD) & BV (GP)
Task 6.1 Tools for structural reliability analysis of marine structures – TL: UGS (PKD)
Sub-task 6.1.1 Review of existing methods and tools
Sub-task 6.1.2 Review/development of methods/procedures for integrated/combined utilization of the available tools
Task 6.2 Reliability and risk based structural design methods and codes – TL: DTU (PFH)
Sub-task 6.2.1 Development of stochastic still water load models
Sub-task 6.2.2 Uncertainty on the wave induced load effects
Sub-task 6.2.3 Probabilistic modelling of the hull girder ultimate capacity of ships
Sub-task 6.2.4 Reliability assessment of ship structures designed according to the new IACS Common Structural Rules
Sub-task 6.2.5 Identification of target levels and code calibration
Task 6.3 Risk based structural maintenance planning – TL: IST (YG)
Sub-task 6.3.1 Uncertainty on fatigue damage based on S-N and fracture mechanics approaches
Sub-task 6.3.2 Probabilistic modelling of detection
Sub-task 6.3.3 Probabilistic modelling of the ultimate strength based on different deteriorations
Sub-task 6.3.4 Probabilistic modelling of corrosion wastage and distortion due to temperature
Sub-task 6.3.5 Reliability assessment of ship structures based on inspection planning
Task 6.4 Safety of marine structures – TL: BV (CV)
Task 6.5 Environmental impact of marine structures – Tas TL: UNEW (MJD)
WP7 Management, Integration, Dissemination and Exploitation – WPL: IST (MV) & UGS (PKD)
Task 7.1 Management - TL: IST (MV)
Task 7.2 Integration - TL: IST (CGS)
Task 7.3 Dissemination - TL: CTO (JD)
Task 7.4 Exploitation - TL: UGS (PKD)

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