Hindcast of Dynamic Processes of the Ocean and Coastal Areas of Europe
quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2025
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Overview Workplan Workshop
• Final HIPOCAS Workshop in association with 29th International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2004), Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Avenida Brasil, Lisboa, 19th September 2004
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The objective is to obtain a 40-year hindcast of wind, wave, sea-level and current climatology for European waters and coastal seas for application in coastal and environmental decision processes.

The initial work is to produce the atmospheric data that will serve as forcing to the circulation and wave models. To describe the small-scale atmospheric response three regional climate models will be forced with the large scale 40 years NCEP-reanalysis. The data are provided on a 50 x 50 km grid and will be used in the project to force the wave and ocean models.

•  Workpackage 1: Atmospheric Data
•  Workpackage 2: Circulation Models
•  Workpackage 3: Wave Hindcasting
•  Workpackage 4: Remote Sensed Data
•  Workpackage 5: Uncertainty Assessment in Remote Sensed and Hindcast Data
•  Workpackage 6: Atlas of Met-Ocean Data for European Coastal Seas
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Funded by the Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
Programme of the European Commission
•  Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
•  Clima Maritimo, Puertos del Estado, Spain
•  GKSS Forschungszentrum, Germany
•  Méteómer, France
•  University College Cork, Ireland
•  University of Malta, Malta
•  Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
•  University of Gdansk, Poland
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